SiComunicaWeb srl Apps

La Casa di Gaia 1.0.2
The House of Gaia is an app that makes you "see" your tent next tothe house.
Autosicura 1.1
Autosicura provides real-time traffic services and roadsideassistance.
Haloadigrat 1.1.0
Lo Studio Medico Haloadigrat sioccupaprettamente di Medicina Estetica e Nutrizionismo.Mette a Disposizione dei pazienti uno strumento dicomunicazioneinnovativo col quale sarà possibile ricevere notifichesuappuntamenti, eventi e offerte periodiche sui trattamentiThe MedicalOfficeHaloadigrat deals purely Aesthetic Medicine andNutritionalcounseling.Provides Disposition of patients innovative communicationtoolwith which you can receive notifications of appointments,eventsand periodic offers on treatments
THE APP THAT KEEPS YOU UPDATED ONDIGITALTRANSFORMATIONS TRENDS. HOW?NEWS: Direct access to the latest news on NEXTVALUE researchandactivities into the main areas of Digital Transformation: BigData& Analytics, Cloud Computing, Digital Marketing,CyberSecurity, Internet of Things, Digital Business Models,DigitalProcesses, User Experience & CRM 2.0.INSIGHTS: Overview of our research on DigitalTransformationfundamental topics, strategies, budgets, projects,practices andrelated roles and technologies. We conduct ourINSIGHTS thanks tothe contributions of the CxOs from our BusinessCommunities, whosemembers are IT and Marketing Directors fromItalian top spenders.In particular, thanks to the collaborationwith CIONET, the largestinternational business community of TopCompanies CIOs.EVENTS: sign up for exclusive events to share experiences andbestpractices with first line managers from the world ofbusiness,marketing, technology and media.COMPANIES TO WATCH: Overview of the Info - Docs of themostinnovative companies, which have made of DigitalTransformationtheir core business. Companies to Watch is theprogram thathighlights offer, skills, competitive advantages andbusinessresults of Information Technology and Social Media ofparticipatingcompanies, selected by NEXTVALUE.LIVE: Attend the live streaming or tweets of the eventsdirectlyfrom smartphones and tablets.
Fabbrica Italiana Scale 1.0
FACTORY ITALIAN SCALE is now on your store!
AliasBlindate 2.0.1
ALIAS have a professional experience gathered in the field ofsecurity doors
Caseificio Taddei 1.0.0
Our factory has established in FornovoSanGiovanni, a village located on the plain south of Bergamo, andhasspecialized in producing and maturing traditional Bergamocheesesfor four generations.The old dairy has been vacated and a new one has been builtfromscratch in 1994, according to new health and hygieneregulations,and is certified by CE IT 03/174.Constant self-monitoring, the exclusive use of milk fromselectedlocal farms, the hand-made production and the carefulattention tocustomer satisfaction, all contribute to the quality ofourproducts.Our dairy is constantly aiming towards the rediscovery of agreatcheese making tradition.Over the years we have increased our product range and wenowoffer many different cheeses, all produced entirely by handbyexpert cheese makers.
Vertical Italia 1.0
La Vertical Italia nasce dal desiderio diunirepensieri e sinergie atti a sviluppare un progetto evolutivotale dagarantire ai propri Clienti oltre a una serie di vantaggieconomicianche un'accurata consulenza accentrata sulle loro realiesigenze.La cultura di base, lo studio, l'attenzione per la qualità,laserietà, la capacità di condividere idee, conoscenze edobiettivicaratterizzano il team della Vertical Italia.In collaborazione con la CELA srl, leader nel settoredelsollevamento, la Vertical Italia si propone di forniresoluzionioriginali e personalizzate nell'ambito delle piattaformeaeree.The Vertical Italycomesfrom the desire to unite synergies thoughts and acts todevelop anevolutionary project that ensures its customers inaddition to anumber of economic benefits also careful advicecentered on theirreal needs.The basic culture, the study, attention to quality,reliability,the ability to share ideas, knowledge and objectivescharacterizethe team of Vertical Italy.In collaboration with the CELA Ltd., the leader in thelifting,Vertical Italy aims to provide original solutions andcustomizedwithin the platforms.
Caveco 1.1
Expert packaging with continuoustechnologicalinnovation, reliability, flexibility, simplicity ofuse and carefor environmental impact are the main props ofCa.Ve.Co.. Thecompany has been on the market for many years as aleader in theproduction of packaging machines featuring confinedatmosphere,SKIN, suitable to seal trays with heat-sealed, pressureand snap-onlids, packaging machines for meat, fish, pre-cooked foodand readymeals, even sterilized.Ca.Ve.Co. packaging machines mountE.M.I.(electrical-mechanical-hydraulic) systems which minimize allrisksof breakage, wear and dirt deposits. They also guaranteegreatsolidity and accurate movements, which entails a dramaticreductionin maintenance costs. To understand this choice, simplyconsiderthat hydraulic devices are largely used in segmentswherereliability and solidity are key factors, such as theearthworks,aviation and automobile industries.The whole range of products passes across several teststagesbefore entering our “racing team”, and it is only providedthatthese tests are successfully passed that a simple prototypecanactually turn into a line of Ca.Ve.Co. products.
JMG Cranes 2.1.0
JMG Cranes is a company operating in the self-propelled industrialcranes sector
Care 1.0.1
La ditta Care si trova a Pavia e si occupadinoleggio e vendita di macchine attrezzature per cantiere comeadesempio: macchine operatrici, mezzi per potature,miniescavatori,piattaforme autocarrate, sollevatori telescopici,rullicompressori, escavatori cingolati, escavatori gommati,minipale eskid loader cingolati e gommati, autocarri con cassoneribaltabile,auto. Dispone inoltre di gruppi elettrogeni,motocarriole, sistemidi abbattimento polveri, sistemi laser, dischidiamantati.Tra i marchi che trattiamo segnaliamo Volvo, Husqvarna,Gladiator,Tower Light, DF ecology, Clipper, Elcos.Realta’ in continua evoluzione, Care continua ad adeguare ilpropriocatalogo di mezzi e servizi alle richieste dei clienti edelmercato, offrendo anche soluzioni personalizzate su misura.Unparcomezzi sempre rinnovato e all’ avanguardia consenteall'azienda dirispondere a ogni tipo di richiesta della clientelacon la massimaprecisione e sempre in grande sicurezza, mentrepersonalequalificato e competente è a disposizione del clientelaconconsulenze e indicazioni.The company is locatedinPavia Care and deals with rental and sale of machineryequipment,construction industry such as: machine tools, means forpruning,excavators, truck-mounted platforms, telehandlers, rollers,crawlerexcavators, wheeled excavators, skid steer loaders and skidcrawlerand wheeled loaders, dump trucks, cars. It also hasgenerators,Wheelbarrow, dust extraction systems, laser systems,diamonddiscs.Among the brands that we deal point Volvo, Husqvarna,Gladiator,Tower Light, DF ecology, Clipper, Elcos.Realta 'evolving Care continues to bring its catalog of meansandservices to customer requirements and market, offeringcustomizedsolutions on misura.Un fleet ever renewed and all'vanguard allowsthe company to respond to all kinds request ofcustomers with thehighest precision and always in great security,while qualified andcompetent staff is available to the customerswith advice anddirections.
20.20 Roma 1.0.0
Official App of Helvetia Group for the convention in Rome March 31,2016.
Mangano 2.1.0
A new app to access all the items designed by Mangano, choosethetrendiest outfit and shop products you love from anywhere in afewsimple steps. Get inspired from Mangano fashion world, browsethecomplete lookbook, discover details about materials and sizes;shopeasily with your credit card. Control your personal profileandfind all your orders listed and updated or find out the storenextto you thanks to GPS functions. Keep always in touch with usthanksto push notifications to get our special offers dedicated toyou.Mangano, more than a simple style, a passion. Download it now!
20.20 Milano 1.0.0
Official App of Helvetia Group for the convention in Milan April 6,2016.